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assist international Human Resources GmbH offers intercultural training, leadership training, communication training as well as coaching, consulting and international workshops with innovative, blended learning instruments to support the sustainable development of international teams, leaders and global organisations.

With our experience in the development of training materials combined with our unique blended learning concept, Smart international Learning, we complement our face-to-face training with innovative learning formats to optimise the learning efficiency and sustainability of training content and competence.

Our customers are both public and private sector, international corporations, larger and medium sized organisations. Since 2014 assist is also involved in EU-project partnerships, providing intercultural know –how for online learning.

BrainLog is a non-profit organisation developing and managing national and international funded projects focusing on innovation and education within business development, web and mobile applications, entrepreneurship, innovation within sport and well-being , non-formal education, and social inclusion in Denmark.

Co&So is a consortium of cooperatives located in Tuscany region which includes social and not social cooperatives working in the social and cultural fields. Co&So counts 26 employees who provide services to the associated. The main services are:

administration, monitoring the calls and as a consequence to submit calls most on public procurement, offering European opportunities in order to promote innovation in the cooperatives in terms of improving employees’ competencies and services, quality certification, communication. All together the staff working in the associated cooperatives is 3400 professionals. In CO&SO there is a special office working just on European funding with very skilled staff who has more than 10 years of experience in the field. Areas of activities in which the CO&SO and its cooperatives provide their services are:

  • Social care, healthcare and housing;
  • Support to migrants, asylum seekers and refugees as well as to other disadvantaged groups;
  • Culture and tourism;
  • Education and youth;
  • Vocational trainings and job placements.

Co&So has been Quality Certified to the following EU Standards: ISO9001:2015; ISO14001:2015:BS18001:2007


Centrum Wspierania Edukacji i Przedsiębiorczości operates from 2004 conducting activities related to the support and promotion of modern education and entrepreneurship, scientific research and consulting, conducting training, publishing, marketing, consulting and advertising activities. The Association provides services to support education through the implementation of transnational education projects aimed at young people and the organization of training. It also runs a consulting support for companies operating in the Subcarpathian region and Lesser Poland region and implements investment projects aimed at improving the quality of business support services. The Association is active in the field of science, expressed in the commitment to research projects and conducting its own analyzes of society.

Instalofi Levante S.L. (FyG Consultores) is a private, high-level training enterprise, pioneers in co-creation with companies, adults and young people in the training on innovative concepts, business creation, employability basic skills, literacy and numeracy skills, entrepreneurship and soft and hard skills training.

FyG acts actively as an education and training company, promoting and enhancing the development of adults, seeing for new opportunities and helping them to become more employable, facing different factors of exclusion: youngsters and adults with educational difficulties, unemployed with economic or social obstacles. 

FyG has experience in running a wide range of trainings courses and mentoring programmes for companies, entrepreneurs, Start-Ups, also with individuals from disadvantage groups. It acts a body providing career guidance, professional counselling and information providing services of job insertion and intermediation on the labour market for unemployed as: orientation, training, assessment and information.

In recent years, FyG has developed and implement a number of European international cooperation projects with Erasmus+ and COSME programme, dealing with enterprise creation and development, employability, management, Start Ups training, internationalisation, Gamification and Innovation of the Entrepreneurial Training.

KIG (Polish Chamber of Commerce/ Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza)

Polish Chamber of Commerce (PCC) founded in 1990 is the largest economic self-government institution in Poland. We group above 154 business organisations.

PCC promotes social responsibility of business. Our trainings and conferences encourage to implement the highest standards of business ethics. During the last 10 years we completed almost 50 projects financed from EU funds related to entrepreneurship and business development.

PCC cares about entrepreneurs in the international arena. PCC is a member of EUROCHAMBRES, Association of the European Chambers of Industry and Commerce, which groups the European Chambers of Commerce, and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in Paris. PCC also cooperates with the biggest worldwide national organisations.

PCC does its best to increase the international recognition of Poland. PCC is aware of chances that Polish companies will have on the international markets if Poland is perceived more positively. That is why PCC organises national exhibitions (Hanover, Aichi), invites entrepreneurs to international trade, fairs, trade missions, economic forums, multi – and bilateral business meetings and other projects.


LABC is a company based in Torino (IT). LABC is a learning community, aiming to share and build upon the experience of professionals in the field of individual and community wellness, group-work, education and training, reintegration into labour market, project management.

LABC is enriched by pan-European collaborations, always adopting and promoting the principles of:

– collaborative learning: we exchange, improve and share experiences, resources and skills, in order to optimize international and intermodal collaborations, develop and transfer of methodologies and praxis

– generativity: we establish, support and guide the ability to create, generate and produce new psychological, social and educational tools, models and praxis, with the aim of spreading them freely throughout the community

LABC is active and experienced in:

# care work, individual and community well-being through a widespread range of activities, including group work sessions, supervisions, training, consultancy on management, organization of public events, lectures and seminars

# Education and Research by designing learning methodologies and implementing training materials and tools dedicated to improve the awareness of participants and recipients on topics of particular interest in psychological, educational, social and environmental fields.





LABC to firma z siedzibą w Turynie (IT). LABC jest wspólnotą edukacyjną, której celem jest wymiana i wykorzystanie doświadczeń profesjonalistów w dziedzinie indywidualnego i wspólnotowego wsparcia wellness, pracy grupowej, edukacji i szkoleń, reintegracji na rynku pracy, zarządzania projektami.

LABC rozwija się dzięki ogólnoeuropejskiej współpracy, przyjmując i promując poniższe zasady:

– wspólne uczenie się: wymieniamy, ulepszamy i dzielimy się doświadczeniami, zasobami i umiejętnościami, aby zoptymalizować współpracę międzynarodową i intermodalną, rozwijamy i przekazujemy metodologię i praktykę

– generatywność: ustanawiamy, wspieramy i kierujemy zdolnością do tworzenia, generowania i produkowania nowych psychologicznych, społecznych i edukacyjnych narzędzi, modeli i praktyk, w celu ich swobodnego rozpowszechniania w całej społeczności


LABC posiada doświadczenie w:

# pracy związanej z opieką, dobrostanem jednostki i społeczności poprzez szeroki zakres działań, w tym sesje pracy grupowej, superwizje, szkolenia, doradztwo w zakresie zarządzania, organizację wydarzeń publicznych, wykładów i seminariów

# edukacji i badaniach naukowych poprzez projektowanie metodologii nauczania i wdrażanie materiałów i narzędzi szkoleniowych przeznaczonych do poprawy świadomości uczestników i odbiorców na tematy szczególnie interesujące w dziedzinach psychologicznych, edukacyjnych, społecznych i środowiskowych.

Strona internetowa:  




Munster Technological University is a multi-campus technological university, contributing to the region through the provision of academic programmes that support student development and opportunities, education and research. MTU has an extensive and impressive regional footprint with six campuses across the South-West region in Cork and Kerry, a student body of 18,000, offering more than 140 programmes and with numerous links with colleges worldwide.  The aim of MTU is to provide education and research opportunities for career-focused learners and to develop long term partnerships with industry and community.  Through partnering with industry and community, MTU will seek out dynamic cross-sector relationships with start-ups, innovators and industry leading companies. MTU will continue to invest in the future with state-of-the-art research, education, enterprise, cultural and sports facilities.
